Tuesday, June 30, 2009

JumpStart Review & Giveaway

You should go to JumpStart! It is fun! You can make your own person. There's all sorts of things to do. You can go anywhere you want. There's a board that tells you stuff to do. Whatever you do, it puts a check on it. I liked it!

My mom is giving away a free membership at her site... go see and PLAY!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Played with my best friends!

Today I went to my friends house. Me and Colby played Guitar Hero Aerosmith. I played it, it was hard at first. Then I played with my friend Cody. I got in Kayland's pool. I was little. We have a bigger pool than they do. Then I went home. I played with my brother. The NASCAR 06 game did not work. So we tried my Spongebob game. Then we played Power Rangers!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 3, 2009

This morning we played in the backyard and jumped on the trampoline. I asked Daddy if I could go to my friend's house. He said, "yes." I went over there, but they had to go to the store. So, I rode my bike and when they came back I played with Cody.

Then, I rode on the golf cart. Then, it rained. I played in the rain! Daddy called me home because it was time to go inside.

When I got home, Daddy said that we were going out to eat. I said, "McDonald's," but we went to Applebees. I got full, but I still ate a chocolate sundae. Then, we went home. I was tired in the car.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Beginnings

Today we played in the pool. I got out a couple of times. Then we made a fire in the front yard. Then, we came in and asked if I could have a blog. Of course she said, "Yes".